A Shoot Pass
Townsville Target Archers have introduced a Shoot Pass system which replaces members having to bring cash each time they wanted to shoot. When the field is open, come and shoot as much as you like (Sundays 8-11am, Saturdays & Wednesdays 2-5pm) Club gear hire is also included; so our new members can get a good feel of what style suits them best before committing to purchasing their own gear.
Each member will receive a different coloured shoot pass each year upon confirmation of payment.
The shoot pass is available on half yearly or yearly terms.
Shoot Pass Fees
– Compounder Shoot Pass – $360 (1/2 year – $185)
– Recurver Shoot Pass – $220 (1/2 year – $115)
– Combo Shoot Pass – $300 (1/2 year – $155)
Family Pass [1-2 adults 1-2 children]
– Recurve = $530 per year (1/2 year $270)
– Combination = $720 per year (1/2 year $365)
– Compound = $860 per year (1/2 year $435)
The Shoot Pass is a coloured, serialized tag that will be clipped to an ID card lanyard supplied by the club, that is then attached to member’s quivers. This will allow for easy visual identification of both AA membership and Shoot Pass payment on the field.
How to purchase your Shoot Pass:
Please make a direct bank transfer to the following account. Take care to include your Name and AA number as the reference in order for us to confirm your payment. If you are still waiting on your AA number don’t stress – just ensure your name, the one that you signed up for the Intro course with, is in the reference.
Account Name: Townsville Target Archers Inc
BSB: 064-823
A/C Number: 00910433
What if I don’t want to commit to a Shoot Pass?
TTA Members who do not wish to purchase the Shoot Pass will be allocated a Grey Tag. A shoot fee of $10 per visit is charged and it is mandatory it is paid on the day. (Make sure you make a note in the sign-in book).
If you need to discuss the new system or the option of payment plans, please approach Chella and she will be happy to help.
When will I get my Shoot Pass?
Once payment is made, please approach the club Treasurer, Chella. Upon confirmation of your payment you will receive your new TTA Shoot Pass Tag and ID lanyard. Please display this ID lanyard on your quiver. Your shoot pass is effective immediately upon payment confirmation. Please continue signing in the logbook and use your Shoot Pass tag number in the fee column.